Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Unexpected Surgery

I'm sure you've all heard by now that I had some unanticipated surgery on Friday. I have had a small hole on my right breast that has never healed since my initial surgery. It has never been infected and seemed to be healing very slowly, so I really didn't think too much about it. I had a followup with my plastic surgeon on Thursday, and he seemed to think it was a very big deal. The long and short of it is I had to have surgery on Friday to have the hole closed up. Not only that, but since the hole had been there for so long, the doctor felt like my implant needed to be replaced as well. So, now I'm on my 3rd implant. I'm really hoping this will be the last surgery I have for, oh, say 40 years or so. Anyway, I'm doing well. I have a little pain but nothing major. I'll be going back and forth to Little Rock for a month or so now to have the area checked, but nothing should affect my chemo treatments. I am still scheduled to have my final heavy chemo treatment on Monday. Unless something changes, this should go on as scheduled. All I can say is, it better go on as scheduled. I don't need anything else coming up!

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